Brilliant windmill

2012-02. Passing horses.

          We spent a few very pleasant hours at Brill in Buckinghamshire yesterday, it was a bit chilly but we had beautiful sunshine, and some beautiful views too.

2012-02. Behind bench.

          Checking online at the Brill Village Website, this windmill has been standing since the 1680’s and has been restored to its former glory for all to see.

2012-02. Bench infront.

          Brill stands on a hill and the views around stretch for miles. The sun was a little hazy so I’m hoping to go back  to catch a few of them on a clearer day.

2012-02. No bench.

          The village itself is very old and very pretty in its own right, needless to say I took a few more pictures than just these few of the windmill.

15 thoughts on “Brilliant windmill

    • Thanks, it does look a bit sculpturish doesn’t it. 🙂
      My Mum collects the Lillyput Lane models and I think they used to do a model of the Brill Windmill, I’ll have to look out for it.

  1. Wonderful shots of a great looking windmill. I’ll have to put the Brill Windmill on my list of things to see the next time I cross the pond and visit England. 🙂

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