Standing taller

3. Moonlit water.

          Today’s post is a strange one, I want to mark the day but I’m not sure what I want to say.

          I’m changing jobs, well sort of, I’m staying with the same company but changing positions.  I’m taking on an extra shift, and although this isn’t ideal, I think working 5 nights in a job I want will be better than 4 nights in a job I’m not happy with – and I can’t argue at all that the extra pennies will be very welcome at the moment.

          A few years ago I had a very similar job to my new one, I fought hard to get it and enjoyed it immensely until I got caught up in the playground politics so often found in the workplace and everything sort of went a little pear-shaped.  Instead of sticking things out until better times I did what I so often do, I scurried back into my comfort zone and returned to a position I’d held previously.  I’ve been quietly kicking myself about it ever since, although the safety of the old position was what I seemed to need at the time, I couldn’t help feel that I’d failed and taken a step backwards.

         The position I’ve just got became vacant about a year ago and after a lot of debating with myself I decided against it only to realise once I’d missed the boat how much I really wanted it.  A few months ago I was given another chance and I grabbed it with both hands, it’s been a long time coming, but I start my new job on my next shift, and as I walked out of work at the end of my last shift I felt sort of different, its difficult to explain, but it’s as if I’d not only taken myself back to the level I was before, but had climbed a little higher by making it happen.

         As I walked away from my old job and towards my new one I felt … taller.

9 thoughts on “Standing taller

  1. Hallysann, you have a wonderful image here, and an enthralling piece of writing – I certainly identify with what you’re saying – and I wish you all good fortune in your new post – I hope all goes very well! Adrian

  2. My sincerest wishes of good luck. May you prosper. Make it good and don’t let the office politics get you this time! You change the rules if needs be… you decide… you dictate in your quite, gentle way!

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