Cheeky squirrel

          If our roles and sizes had been reversed I don’t think I would have been quite as brave as this little squirrel in Cosmeston last week.  (Was that a week ago already?)

2015-10. Shy friend.

          We had our bag of peanuts open on the picnic table for all to share. Mum and Dad were enjoying the squirrel’s company too but they had to leave sooner than us so there it stayed while we used up the supply in our pockets.

2015-10. Bench squirrel.

          At first he quickly helped himself to a nut and retreated to the other end of the table but once that one was gone he stole another and just turned his back on the bag, maybe pretending he didn’t know it was there.

2015-10. Slightly nervous.

          Before long he threw caution to the breeze and reached deeper into the bag for another nut or two, not even worrying about stepping out of it to enjoy his feast.

2015-10. Worry free feasting.

           More from before : “Cosmeston” with cameras.

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