Boys are stupid

          I once knew a little girl who had a poster on her bedroom wall saying “Boys are stupid… Throw rocks at them”.  She has apparently found one who was just the right kind of stupid for her.  Youngest Daughter and Boyfriend/Fiancé of almost eight years tied the knot over the weekend and became Mr & Mrs.


          Coming from a family of three daughters, “shoes“, of course, played a big part in the wedding planning, as well as dresses, bridesmaids, groomsmen, cake, champagne, speeches, cars, Bucks fizz, the list is endless.

          However I am not bowing to the crowd, or taking the Applause for organising such a day, I myself am applauding the circle of “Friends”, Youngest Daughter and new Son-in-law included,  who put the day together and made it happen.

          My organisation and planning skills are pretty much non-existent. They usually run somewhere along the lines of a raise of the eyebrows and a shrug of the shoulders accompanied by the words, “something will turn up” … and something usually does.  Hubby despairs,  and will have me believe something usually turns up because he’s made it turn up. But that’s another story.

          Needless to say, I wasn’t the first person who came to mind when the wedding was to be planned.  I made myself available when called on, and did as I was asked when asked to do it and this worked well all round.

          Eldest and Middle Daughters were two of the bridesmaids and as so organised a family oriented hen day for the lesser party-goers of us, I believe we all enjoyed the day and I was pleased to help out with my puzzling skills at “City Mazes” (I definitely recommend you give it a go).

          I tagged along with Youngest to the venue to help with setting up etc. the day before and was very easily organised into different jobs which needed to be done, and so when the big day arrived all I had to do was to get myself, and Hubby, ready to appear on time.  Hubby and I were taken to Eldest Daughter’s house where festivities and food were on hand to help along the hair, make-up (not for Hubby) and dresses (again not for Hubby), I took care of some last minute ironing and set off for the venue with nothing more to do than to meet and greet family and friends as they arrived.

          A few last minute hiccups had the “Friends” pulling out the stops to make the day go smoothly and again my offer of an extra pair of hands was readily accepted.

          As the event arrived Youngest Daughter, new Son-in-law, bridesmaids and groomsmen looked wonderful, the “Friends” took care of everything.  Hubby had his speech to worry about (and very entertaining it was too), but I became a guest, not just any old guest though, I was made to feel like an honoured guest and I loved every minute of it

          And so, even though it’s already been said millions of times …

                    One last time…

Many, many congratulations to…

Youngest Daughter and New Son-in-law …

Husband and Wife.

10 thoughts on “Boys are stupid

    • Thanks Judith, all three girls are living around here. I’m to be the one moving away… If we finally make it to Weymouth.
      A permanent holiday home by the seaside for everyone. 😊

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